Visual Social Data Analysis

Besides valid and objective data, the investigation of subjective values is important for identifying problems and gathering information about the “social impact”. The method of choice to analyse based on ICT-tools the social impact is Social Network Analysis (SNA). SNA enables the analysis of social networks and the identification of opinion leaders by measuring and mapping the relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations and other connected information or knowledge entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes. Their interactive visual representation provides a quick comprehension of the relation of topics to influence actors or topics of general interest. Further it provides an explorative approach for navigating through such networks and gathering more knowledge about the related topics. Especially the identification of opinion leaders is important. An opinion leader is an active media user, who interprets the meaning of media messages or content for lower-end media users. Typically the opinion leader is held in high esteem by those who accept his or her opinions.

In all stages of the policy lifecycle process it is important to know the structure of the social network related to a policy issue and identify opinion leaders, follow them and eventually also contact them directly. (peer influencing strategy)

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