Call for proposals for ERC Proof of Concept Grant

Identifier: ERC-2024-POC
Pillar: European Research Council (ERC)
Opening Date:
Deadline: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Modification Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024

Latest information:

FLASH EVALUATION RESULTS of the ERC Proof of Concept Lump Sum Grant 2024 – first cut-off deadline:


Call for proposals: ERC-2024-PoC – ERC PROOF OF CONCEPT GRANT
Published: 16 November 2023
1st cut-off deadline:
14 March 2024 at 17:00 (Brussels local time)
Available Budget: 15.000.000 €

In accordance with the call conditions of the ERC 2024 Work Programme, the ERCEA, assisted by independent experts, has completed the evaluation of proposals submitted to the above call. The names of the experts that evaluated Horizon Europe proposals are published, collectively for each part of Horizon Europe and once per year, on the FUNDING & TENDERS PORTAL .

The results of the evaluation are as follows:
Number of submitted proposals: 329
Number of inadmissible proposals: 0
Number of ineligible proposals: 5
Number of withdrawn proposals: 3
Number of above-threshold proposals [1]: 295

Number of proposals retained for funding [1]: 100
Number of proposals in the reserve list: 25

Number of proposals beyond budget: 170

Funding threshold [2]: 0

Total budget requested for proposals retained for funding: 15.000.000 €

We informed the applicants about the evaluation results for their proposals on 28 June 2024.

A Seal of Excellence will be awarded to the 195 proposals that have received a pass mark in all three of the evaluation elements set out in this Work Programme, but cannot be funded due to lack of budget available to the call.

[1] The number of proposals that can finally be funded depends on the final available budget and the completion of the formal procedures needed to conclude grant agreements.

[2]: Proposals with the same score were ranked according to the priority order procedure set out in the call conditions (ERC-2024-Work Programme).

The first grant agreements are expected to be signed around October 2024.

Information on the selected projects will be published on CORDIS after signature of the grant agreements.

For questions, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.

ERC Proof of Concept Call Coordination

Author: Programmes & Funding Calls (Source:;programCode=HORIZON;callCode=ERC-2024-POC)