Coordination and Support actions supporting the Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking

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  • Coordination and Support actions supporting the Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
Identifier: HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2024-02-two-stage
Pillar: Health
Opening Date:
Deadline: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Modification Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024

Latest information:


Published: 17/01/24

Deadline: 04/04/24

Available budget: EUR 3 500 000 

In accordance with the call conditions, the evaluation of the first-stage proposals was made looking only at the criteria ‘Excellence’ and ‘Impact’. The threshold for both criteria was 4. The overall threshold (applying to the sum of the two individual scores) was set for each topic/type of action with separate call-budget-split at a level that allowed the total requested budget of proposals admitted to stage 2 be as close as possible to 3 times the available budget (and not below 2.5 times the budget):

  • HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2024-02-01-two-stage: 8 points
The results of the evaluation for each topic are as follows:

Number of proposals submitted (including proposals transferred from or to other calls)10
Number of inadmissible proposals0
Number of ineligible proposals5
Number of above-threshold proposals4
Total budget requested for above-threshold proposals13.993.328
Summary of observer report:
A single Independent Observer (IO) reviewed the evaluation of this call. This enabled the IO to follow the entire process, to identify strengths and areas for possible improvements specific to the first stage evaluation, and to compare procedures and practices of a fully online evaluation with online consensus meetings and online discussions and suggest recommendations for the second stage.
Global Health EDCTP3 staff ensured that for all the proposals associated to this call, all actors involved were fully informed about the background guidance and legal documents, procedures and standards of quality. The organization and management went smoothly.
The overall evaluation process was executed in full compliance with the procedures, code of conduct, and guiding principles of fairness, transparency and equal treatment of proposals. The rules and guiding principles for the procedures concerning each evaluation step were known in advance to the applicants, the evaluators and all the persons involved in the evaluations.
The briefing materials made available to the external experts were of the highest quality as they provided all the relevant information in a clear and comprehensive way. Experts were asked to declare any potential conflict of interest and to ensure confidentiality of all information.
The evaluation process was robust. No preferential treatment of any proposal was observed by the observer or reported by any expert. The discussions were fair and consistent with open and detailed online deliberations covering all the criteria and sub criteria to ensure clarity of issues arising and providing impartial feedback to applicants.


Author: Programmes & Funding Calls (Source:;programCode=HORIZON;callCode=HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2024-02-two-stage)