SemaVis now on the Open Data Portal of the European Union

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  • SemaVis now on the Open Data Portal of the European Union

The SemaVis group of the CC IVA uses next to own automatically processed data also already existing Open Data sources for an interactive Information Visualization and graphical Analysis purposes. The data visualization can be performed among others by using semantically annotated data e.g. Linked-Open Data or statistical data, e.g. Open Government Data.

The European Union started a couple of initiatives in the past view years around the topic of Open (Government) Data and provide a huge number of free available data and data sources. In the research project FUPOL the SemaVis group was able to include the provided Open Government Data by EuroStat for an explorative research and data analysis. This demo was accepted in context of a proposal to get listed as application on the European Union Open Data Portal.

More information about the topic of interactive visualization with SemaVis under:


Further Information
Link to the EuroStat-Demo:
More information about the FUPOL project:
List of application at the European Union Open Data Portal:
